Do This, Feel Better: Eat a Fresh, Young Coconut

Young Coconuts are absolutely amazing. They taste delicious, have many health benefits, and you can’t help but feel relaxed and happy while eating one. These are a staple of most South Asian diets, as they are easily found in tropical climates. Here are a few reasons why you should be nom-nom-noming on the regular.

Coconut Water is…

1) …Jam-packed with electrolytes. For the record, electrolytes are very necessary to keep your body’s various systems, especially the muscular, vascular, nervous, and immune, running smoothly. For a completely inaccurate review of these systems, please consult Dr. Steve Brule. Otherwise, Wikipedia should do ya just fine.

2) …Comprehensively ANTI (Antiviral, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, & Antioxidant). Calling a young coconut a superfood is like calling a Maserati a nice car. All of those wonderful anti-properties make coconut water an easily digestible measure of preventative maintenance. There have been many times I’ve felt a cold coming on or lost in the midst of full-blown stomach disaster where a well-timed young coconut came to the rescue.

3) ...Helps get your re-hydratiON. Forget Gatorade. Coconut water is an all-natural sports drink. The plasma/electrolyte ratio in coconut water is the same as human blood. Rehydrate and balance your bodily fluids after a long, sweaty workout the way nature intended.

4) ...Definitively healthy and comprehensively nutritious. Low in sugar and sodium. High in calcium and potassium. No cholesterol. About 145 calories per coconut. These things taste good and are good for you. Don’t take my word– try it for yourself.

My suggestion is to go grab yourself a wonderful resuable glass straw from my pals at I carry mine with me everywhere so I don’t have to waste plastic or fall prey to the pitfalls of a crappy disposable drinking apparatus. Tell ’em Daniel Scott sent ya because you are ready to consume vast amounts of coconut water.

Enjoy, in joy!



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