
Welcome to Daniel Scott Yoga!

The site would have TOTALLY launched sooner if my intern was a little more proactive. is officially on it’s way to almost being ready to be considered launched. Not a minute too soon, either. There have been a number of favorable omens in the sky, and I’ve been doing my best to honor them.

A quick rundown of how things work here:


The bio. What else would you expect?


Would you believe this is where you can keep tabs on upcoming events, ongoing classes, tantalizing retreats and other opportunities to connect in person? Believe it.


Articles— A curated collection of my journalistic endeavors from around the internet.

News— These are workshop updates, “off-the-cuff” personal thoughts, ruminations, and reflections. Updated regularly, this is where you’re going to follow my travels and get an interesting peek behind the mustachioed curtain.

Photos— Here are the colorful pictures in which I try not to make silly faces, grin too wide, or do yoga. Check a look and tell me what you think!

Videos— Here are videos where I throw people around in AcroYoga flows and live demos.


Have something to say? That’s great, because I’d love to hear from you.