How to Write an Amazing Professional Bio (For Yoga and Beyond)

A professional bio is an incredibly valuable tool for yoga teachers, massage therapists, and influential people in every field. The thought of distilling your entire professional life into one paragraph, however, can be an overwhelming task. By keeping things simple, you’ll be able to efficiently communicate your message in an appropriate length.

A good bio should whet the appetite rather than satisfy a hunger — that’s what your work is for. The focus is to establish yourself as an expert by clearly conveying what you do and how you do it.  A strong bio is short enough to read in a few moments, deep enough to pique audience interest, and substantial enough to create active curiosity.

Goal: To write a short, professional bio that clearly introduces you to an audience, establishes expertise, and quickly communicates both who you are and what you do.

Directions: List your responses to the following guidelines. After organizing your thoughts, begin linking together the elements that speak to you and remove those that don’t seem to fit in.

It’s totally OK to have more than one bio, especially if you are a multi-talented (read: busy) yogi. All the work you do here can very well be used for later purposes. Once you’ve listed your information, begin playing around with the order of presentation. Work on telling a story without getting to lost in the minute details. Talk about yourself in the 3rd person to make your bio sound more universally accessible; avoid using the following: I, me, or my.

Needless to say, honesty is the best policy when talking about yourself. Have fun, remain authentic, and allow your personality to shine through your words. As you change, so will your bio. By maintaining a worksheet of accomplishments and directives, you can maintain a clear vision of where you’ve been, where you’re going, and what you’re currently up to.

Remember, if you aren’t clear about your life’s work, how can anyone else possibly be?

1. Establish purpose
 What is this bio for? What do you do? What are you trying to say?
  • The first sentence should look your reader’s attention straight in the eyes and say, “Check this out. I am totally worth your time.”
2. Identify audience
 To whom are you speaking? Where it will be used?
  • You can’t address an audience without first understanding who you are trying to talk to.
3. Highlight accomplishments
What have you done? What relevant experience do you have?
  • Don’t list everything on your resume. Simply list the items which support your expertise
4. Demonstrate capability
 Why should people listen to you?
  • Use fewer words to convey more meaning. Avoid fluff. If you are still building experience, clearly state goals that demonstrate understanding of subject matter.
5. Showcase contributions
How are you making a difference? What are you proud of?
  • Include recent projects or new paths of action that show dedication to the communities you serve.
6. Include personality 
What makes you YOU?
  • People seek out others with good experience, but gravitate towards those with great personality. Personalize your bio—where the first line grabs, the last line holds on.

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